If you choose to parent your child, it is important you have a good support system. Pregnancy Center Client Site offers educational opportunities that address pregnancy information and life skills as you prepare for parenthood, through one-on-one mentoring with a trained client advocate and group classes as available. It is our hope the baby's father will be involved, and he is welcome at Pregnancy Center Client Site.
Abortion is a medical procedure. You deserve to know the facts about abortion and the documented abortion risk factors. The medical staff at Pregnancy Center Client Site will help you understand your options, discuss abortion methods and answer any medical questions you may have.
Pregnancy Center Client Site offers support to women (and men) who have experienced a previous abortion. We provide an opportunity to receive help in a confidential, group setting, led by a woman (or man) who has also had an abortion experience. If you have any regrets about your decision, and would like to find hope in the midst of your struggles, we are here to help. Please give us a call.